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Rank (based on page views) 29. out of 51 most popular in Leeuwarden

About M.J Buitenhuis

M.J Buitenhuis is a lawyer in Leeuwarden and works for Beek Advocaten. The company has 6 lawyers registered The postal address is Willemskade 5, 8911 Leeuwarden The visit address is Willemskade 5, 8911 Leeuwarden. On Legaaly M.J Buitenhuis has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 1 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Child support, maintenance procedure, divorced, Divorce, divorce case, mediator, parenting plan,

WED, the Animal Act, the Aviation Act, the Telecommunications Act, the Environmental Management Act, the Nature Conservation Act, the Gambling Act, WFT, prices, market manipulation, insider trading

International marriage, nationality, country of residence, international inheritance law, choice of law,

Youth protection, youth punishment, upbringing, child welfare measures, family supervisory orders, OTS, custody order, youth protection

Punishable act, the Youth Penalty Act,

Soil pollution, noise pollution, environmental criminal, environmental offenses,

maternity, parentage, recognition, denial, determination,

Marriage agreement, name change, adoption, paternity

Murder, crime, drugs, weapons, attempt, participation, Confidentiality,


Legaaly calculates the ranking of all lawyers, based on reviews they receive from former clients on our platform. The rank factors number of reviews, and the aggregated total score. Below, you can see how M.J Buitenhuis compares against other lawyers, in the legal categories he works with.

29. out of 51 most popular in Leeuwarden 1 profile views last month

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