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Accepts new clients Accepts online consultation

About A.F Braun

A.F Braun is a lawyer in 's-Gravenhage and works for ScheerSanders Advocaten. The company has 12 lawyers registered The postal address is Nassauplein 36, 2585 's-Gravenhage The visit address is Nassauplein 36, 2585 's-Gravenhage. On Legaaly A.F Braun has 0 reviews and an average score of 0. Last month, this profile had 0 pageviews.

Areas of expertise

Child support, maintenance procedure, divorced, Divorce, divorce case, mediator, parenting plan,

International marriage, nationality, country of residence, international inheritance law, choice of law,

Abduction, return procedure, return, ca, child abduction convention, HKOV

Youth protection, youth punishment, upbringing, child welfare measures, family supervisory orders, OTS, custody order, youth protection

Conflict mediation, expert help, solution, MFN

maternity, parentage, recognition, denial, determination,

Marriage agreement, name change, adoption, paternity

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